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NCS2502SNT1G ON Semiconductor




ON Semiconductor


NCS2502SNT1G - 600 uA 100 MHz Current Feedback Op Amp w/Disable NCS2502 isA 650 µA 110 MHz current feedback monolithic operational amplifier featuring high slew rate and low differential gain and phase error. The current feedback architecture allows for superior bandwidth and low power consumption. This device features an enable pin. Features 3.0 dB Small Signal BW (AV = +2.0, VO = 0.5 Vpp) 110 MHz Typ High Slew Rate 230V/µs Input Referred Voltage Noise 5 nV/ sq. rt. Hz THD 52 dB (f = 5.0 MHz, VO = 2.0 Vpp) Output Curren

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